Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
I would love to say I have been super busy with getting parts, fixing and taking meals to the field and all that comes with being a harvester’s wife but that’s unfortunately not the case! We finished up in Alva over a week ago.
Since finishing, we have moved back to our house. Yes, that’s right, we moved back home! We’ve been going on Harvest for fifteen years and we have never come home after leaving! Our Kansas jobs just didn’t work out this year, they got about as much rain as Northwest Oklahoma and acres here were way down! It’s just weird being home this time of year!
As hard as Dillon and Ryan worked before we left, we didn’t get all the projects done that Dillon had on his to-do list. So, we’ve been able to get more of those checked off with this down-time. But I’d say it’s safe to say, we are all ready to get back in the fields!
We had been gone for three weeks so when we got home our yard looked like a jungle. Colston and I worked hard for two days getting the yard back into shape! It now looks like someone lives here again! But by lives here, I mean staying here. I was NOT going to move back into my house, so we’ve been home – but living in the camper!!

Dillon’s brother, Laramie, came from Montana for a short visit last weekend on his way to a friend’s wedding. He hasn’t been home since Thanksgiving, so we sure enjoyed seeing him even…if it was a short visit.
On Father’s Day, we drove to Enid to listen to my friend, Alyssa, and her husband, Jason, speak out about their amazing journey they’ve been on over the last year. Jason was in a horrible horse related accident on July 27, 2017. And he was told he’d be paralyzed from the waist down. But God had other plans, he is walking and even riding again!
The kids and I have been able to catch up with our friends at the pool and do some “real” summer activities. All of these things wouldn’t have been possible if Harvest was in full swing, so there was good to come from this break.

We hope to be finished up with the shop projects and back on the road somewhere this weekend. This reminds me of our early years in the business when we looked at a map and picked a town in hopes of finding work.
I will say that we serve an amazing God because He always provided work for us and I know he will again. We just have to be patient. His timing is BEST!
Happy Harvesting to everyone!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”
Romans 12:12 NLT