Kylee DeBock / DeBock Harvesting
I am not sure why I have had such a hard time posting updates this year, but they have been few and far between.
So, let’s play catch-up!
At the end of October, over the boys’ fall break, we made a mad dash to Oklahoma to get all of our household possessions. We had already packed everything while we were home over the summer so all we had to do was pack it out to our enclosed trailer.
We were able to get that all done the first day so we had the rest of the weekend to hang out with friends and family. There were a lot of family in town as we also had a surprise 70th birthday for my father-in-law, Levi.

It went off without a hitch ! He was so surprised. There were family from North Carolina, Florida, Montana, Kansas, Texas, North Dakota and, of course, all the family and friends from Oklahoma. There were A LOT of people who came to celebrate!
The weather couldn’t have been more prefect for an outside event! We were so blessed to have seen and visited with so many people while we were home. It was truly a fantastic weekend!
On October 23rd, Dillon and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary by moving into our rent house. I love this man more and more with each passing year. We have made a wonderful life together and I am VERY thankful for him. It took us a few days to get it all moved in and put away so we spent our first night in our new home on October 26th!

Thanksgiving took us on a trip to Denver, Colorado to see my family. My Denver crew always made the journey to Oklahoma every Thanksgiving but since the passing of my Granny Jo in 2019, they had not been back.

So, we decided that we would go to them. My mom, sister and two nieces, along with my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin, all made the drive from Oklahoma. We drove from North Dakota. It was SO GREAT seeing everyone! I look forward to doing it again.
We had a lot of fun snow skiing, playing games, eating, going to an arcade, eating, riding horses and eating some more. And, of course, there was football! But most importantly there was visiting and lots of memories were made!

After Thanksgiving, Colston started basketball practice and has been keeping us busy with games two nights a week. (Riggin starts basketball in the spring; although, he is already practicing).
Colston’s first game was on December 9th. After it was over, Dillon and I headed back to Oklahoma for another load. This time, we loaded the 40 ft storage container and the skid steer.

We got to Dillon’s parents at around 3:00 on Sunday. We went straight over to see our horses and cows. Bessie and Mable both had new babies to show us and the horses were all doing very well.
The next morning, we headed over to our house and got things loaded and hit the road around 2:00. We drove hard for two days so we could get back for Colston’s ballgame on Tuesday!
We celebrated our first Christmas in our new home. We moved 1,000 miles north and still didn’t get a white Christmas. There was snow on the ground (not much) but no beautiful falling snow on Christmas Day.

We enjoyed a day of leisure around the house with movies, games and a nerf gun fight outside (that was really fun). We ended the evening with sirloin steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy with rolls and apple pie!
As 2023 comes to a close, I can say that we have been blessed with a new adventure and we are all looking forward to what 2024 will hold for us.
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word. Psalms 130:5