Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
DeBock Harvesting finished cutting on October 10th!
With all the craziness of 2020, I will say that harvest was really enjoyable! We had great weather and the yields were quite good, too.
Dillon and Karl took the first load of equipment home on October 15th. After dropping off equipment, Dillon stayed in Oklahoma to take care of our cattle projects; weaning and working calves, preg checking cows, purchasing new bulls and many other things that needed to be taken care of on the farm. Karl headed back to North Dakota and then, shortly after his arriva,l he packed up and headed home to Minnesota!

The kids and I stayed in North Dakota so they could continue going to school here in Powers Lake the rest of the semester. Since Dillon was gone and kids were in school, I took a job at the local coffee shop/hotel here in Powers Lake on October 22nd.

After staying home by myself for a few days, I knew I needed something to do to keep me from going stir-crazy. I don’t drink coffee so I was on a learning curve when trying to learn all the flavors! I had no idea there were so many options. Now I know why, in the Hallmark movies, the baristas are always getting yelled at for making the drinks wrong!
I told my co-worker that I was very intimidated by the coffee making. She looked at me, laughed and said, “You drive trucks and combines for a living. How are you intimidated by coffee?” After a week or so into it, I figured out a few of the main flavors and it helps that the customers have a “regular” drink.
Colston and Riggin enjoyed trick-or-treating with their friends on Halloween. Riggin went with a set of friends and I stayed with Colston and eight of his buddies. We walked all over town and they both came home with 1/2 a pillowcase full of candy!

Today (November 10th), however, I am writing this post while “my students” are at the library. I have been subbing in the fifth grade classroom for two weeks now because one of the teachers went into quarantine and they really needed help at the school. So, I will return to the coffee shop next week.
Speaking of quarantine, last Tuesday (Nov 2nd), Riggin’s entire third grade class was put into quarantine. Someone in his class tested positive, so because they were in direct contact with that person, the school had to quarantine them all. They will all return to school on November 12th. Riggin is very excited about being back with his friends!
Dillon returned back to North Dakota on November 5th and he is now keeping himself busy by hauling grain for our Tioga farmers. I will be helping him with that when I can. Between the coffee shop and the school, I am staying pretty busy.

We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving. We will be celebrating this year in Powers Lake!! My parents , my sister, Kassi, and her whole family are coming to North Dakota! I am very excited to introduce them to the community of Powers Lake and I am sure they will see why we love it here so much!
My nieces have never flown before so they are pretty excited about the trip, too! I hope to take them up to the Canadian border. Even though we cannot cross the border, they can say they have seen another country. We will also enjoy a day in Minot shopping, playing at the indoor water park and maybe even a movie, too! We haven’t seen each other since the Fourth of July, so I am really looking forward to seeing them.
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.”
Psalms 37:5 NLT