Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
This year, Thanksgiving was different for so many people. Although, what in 2020 has been normal?
Some states even had a quota on how many people you could have in your home.
My Thanksgiving was different this year too, but in a good way. This year, my parents, my older sister, Kassi, and her whole family came to North Dakota to spend Thanksgiving with my family. They flew in on Sunday the 22nd and headed home on Friday the 27th.
We took them to the Canada border one afternoon to look around and see some of the fields we harvested.

Tuesday was our big adventure day to Minot! We left Powers Lake around 10:30 to head to the mall for shopping. We found so many bargains, my sister had to buy a vacuum storage bag to get all her goodies home! At 3:00, we headed to the indoor water park and the kids had an absolute blast! After a few hours, we then headed to the movie theater and then dinner at the Mexican restaurant, which put us home pretty late.

Wednesday, the kids enjoyed playing kickball at the park most of the day with other town kids and we ended the evening with caramel apples and a movie.
Thanksgiving Day was filled with family pictures, really good food and, of course, football!

What a blessing it was to have my family here to celebrate the holiday. We all made some amazing memories and I think this will be a holiday my boys and nieces will tell their kids about!

We will be packing up soon to head to Montana for our family Christmas with the DeBock crew. We will be going to Red Lodge for some skiing and family fun December 16-20!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
Matthew 6:21 NLT