Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.
As I write this, it is 19 degrees and the shower drain is frozen.

Myron and the crew will pick corn today (November 7). We will continue to harvest and work together with the farmer to get the crop in. It’s been several years since we’ve experienced this kind of weather with a lot of harvest left to go but it is what it is and we move forward. Harvesting includes the cold, as well as the heat. I personally think the dust storms in Australia would be much harder to handle.
I will be fetching some more heat tape and maybe a few more gloves and stocking caps—but the men going to the field and bringing in the crop deserve a shout out today and the rest of this harvest.
I have always said, “You can’t claim it till you finish it”. The men finishing it out this year will have a story to tell in the future.
Myron and I will be cheering on one of our former employees, Eli Hershberger, this weekend. Eli worked for us for three years. When he left to pursue his dream, we knew he’d succeed! He is on his way!
Dylan and Jared sent some pictures from the field:
So with the entire week being below freezing (especially in single digits the last 24 hours), this is what the back-end of our camper looks like:

Men’s camper has the same “tarp” look – which also works! Can’t even tell can ya?

So far, we have the shower drain and toilet working – just waiting on the sink.

My personal favorite HarvestHER sweatshirt makes me smile and keeps me visible in the blowing snow so the truckers can see me. They are supposed to be checking on me. I just wave ’em on, while I do what I need to do to keep things running.
I don’t want my hose to look like Kylee Debock’s (DeBock Harvesting) hose! 🤪

My job is pretty easy. Myron and the guys have it worse in this single-digit temperature getting equipment up and rolling and picking corn throughout the day. The wind chill this morning was below zero. All the farmers and harvesters out there do!
But we will finish and see what next year brings.
Count your blessings…not your worries.
Hot shower for Myron tonight