Michelle Woerner-Schoenrock – Robert Brown Custom Harvesting/6B Trucking
A big howdy from the home front!!
I’ve learned a lot in the last few weeks!! I have been on a break. Not a break that any of us want to take.
On 6-7-18, I got a phone call from my Mom. They were cutting near Enid, Oklahoma. She and my Dad were headed home. She had just learned that she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Scary times for our family.
She met with the doctors and had surgery seven days later.
She is one tough cookie, that’s for sure!! She’s doing great and we are in hopes of no treatments for her!! I’ve been home with her…a bonding time for Mother and daughter💜.
My words to all who still have your Moms – give them a great big hug!!
She’s planning on joining my family crew in a week or so. You just can’t keep a HarvestHER down😊
As for me, I went back to the field yesterday. Nice to be back at it! We are working about 25 miles from home. Wheat is making about 32 bushels per acre and test weights are around 60.
I need to give a big shout-out to the Brown Crew for being so understanding and supportive during this rough couple of weeks!! A big thanks to Ethan and Ethan 2 for sending me pictures and keeping me updated on the crew!!
Thanks for all the prayers, calls and texts for my sweet Mama💜
Love & Blessings for all!!