Monica Weiand – Far Eastern Colorado
Actually, she’s been here for two weeks now. I feel like it’s been four days.
Miss Nugget, now Macie, made her arrival on the 16th of September. On the 14th, the doctor agreed I wasn’t showing any signs of a baby coming soon, at least not for several days. I went to bed on the 15th around 11:00 pm, feeling “fine, no different”. But you know how farming seems to change plans in a flash? It happened in this instance too when at 3:00 am I was awakened by contractions! Husband was 2 hours away with a band gig. I waited until 5:00 to call him (because I couldn’t believe it); woke my stepdaughter at 6:00 and drove us to the hospital before 7:00. The hubs was there by 7:30.
Everything was going well…and then progress stopped. I tried working through it for what seemed like forever. Thankfully neither of us were under major distress. We talked options, and decided to go ahead with a c-section. She was born a healthy, but too-big-for-mom, baby at 8# 3 oz!

I’ve never had a big surgery before and goodness…this has been humbling. I can’t lift over ten pounds for six weeks and then will work up from there. The incision is looking really good, but I’m still sore as ever and keep hearing horror stories of those who pushed themselves too early so I’m being pretty cautious. A few days ago I made a trip doing the stuff (see also: loading things one. Item. At. A. Time…) myself, but had Mom there carefully watching and ready to help, if needed. It went well and I’m excited for having a piece of my independence back. I’m happy to have the help, really. It’s just so different for me! Mom has been amazing helping me out around the house and getting newly acquired Grandma status snuggles.

So, if you remember from my previous post about my frustrations of being told I can’t ____Â and being pulled off the grain cart, truthfully the boss made the right call. I was advised to stay off bumpy roads… And I laughed a little. Our county roads are TERRIBLE! Which is why I’m ok with having this post-partum “girdle” on around my midsection for extra support as I heal.
We’ve had a few days of corn harvest; it has been good from what I’ve heard. They tried the soybeans the other day and, although the beans are ready, the stalks are still green, being too much to fight through so they’re waiting for a day or two more of sunshine to try again. We’ve got a friend that can help out as needed. My fantastic husband is in the grain cart. The spot he would least like to be. But he’s there!
We’ll get through this season and I’ll be back for the next one (I think). I’m still missing the field some, but for now I’ll enjoy our little miracle baby girl God blessed us with, who is growing away! This “Mom” adventure the good Lord has sent me on has been nothing short of amazing. I don’t even have a fall farm picture to share, but I have some others 😉