September 23

Kylee DeBock / DeBock Harvesting

20 year business anniversary pictures. Uffelman Family sent flowers to celebrate! 💐

My goodness! More than a month has passed and we are still trying to finish up in North Dakota.

The kids have been busy with school and football and we have been doing our best to keep up with games and harvesting. 

Colston and Riggin FB games 🏈❤️

Colston has been having some hip pain so he has missed more games than he has played in, which is a bummer since he was a returning starter from last season.

This has been an ongoing problem all summer and we have tried to figure out what is wrong but with no success.  We have done a MRI, x rays, blood work, dry needling, chiropractor and seeing two orthopedic doctors. The MRI is showing inflammation in his hips and pelvis. All other tests were clear. None of the doctors can tell us WHY he has inflammation. 

So, we have tried several medications, as well as him receiving a steroid injection into his joint. However, none have worked and he is still in pain!  We will be going back to the doctor tomorrow (24th) to see if we can figure out what is going on.

Riggin and his team are having a great year.  His friends and coaches were so shocked to see him when we got home in August. He grew 4 inches and put on about 15 pounds this summer!  He is as tall as Colston and out-weighs him, too. I do not think he is done growing yet! People have a hard time believing he is only 12!  He is playing running back and linebacker again this year and doing a fantastic job!

We have harvested quite a bit of grain in the past month and the yields have been very good. Too bad the price isn’t! 

Cutting crops in North Dakota 

Harvest had gone slow in the beginning with dewy and foggy mornings but usually getting to start after lunch.   Then, surprisingly, the beginning of September was really nice. Temperatures even being in the upper 90’s, which is unusual for a North Dakota September!  So, we were able to get a lot done in those first few weeks.  However, it is now mid-September and we have been sitting for six days and counting. It rained today too.

Although we are not getting anything accomplished in the field, we have had time to do other things. 

We have had our friends, Matt, Jori and their daughters, over for supper a few times. They are harvesters from Oklahoma. We have enjoyed the time with them as they are friends we have known a long time. Even though we cut in a lot of the same towns during harvest, we are all so busy we hardly ever see each other. 

Evening with the Haken Family 

One morning, Dillon took time to teach our neighbor’s daughter how to weld. She spent several hours in the shop here at our house and did a very good job!

Teaching Brittani how to weld 

Colston was able to enter his pickup in a parade and car show at the Tioga Harvest Festival!

Tioga parade and car show 

On September 4th, we had a bit of excitement at the field.  We were cutting durum on a hot and windy day and my combine started a fire.  Luckily, the farmer was there in a flash with is high-speed disc making a barrier and the fire department was not too far behind. 

We got very lucky! We were on a small section of the field and it was right up against a county road so there was not a lot of burned crop. 

September 4th field fire

After getting the fire in the combine extinguished, Dillon looked it over really well. He found that I had picked up a small piece of bailing wire which wrapped around the back feeder chain and caused a spark…which started the fire. 

Dennis was such a big help to us again this year! He was able to help get us through the bigger part of the acres but had to head home to get ready to harvest his beans and corn. 

Luckily, Trevor, a former hired hand, reached out to Dillon and it worked out perfectly for him to come to North Dakota to help us get finished.  Unfortunately, since he’s been here, we have only worked a few days because of the rain! 

I hope the weather will straighten up soon so we can get back to work.  We are ready to get things wrapped up so we can focus on other projects before the winter weather settles in and we are stuck in the house!!

God Bless, 

Kylee DeBock

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trails of many kinds,  because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 

James 1: 2-3


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