Kathryn Doyle – R & K Doyle Harvesting
I am a runner.
I run for kids, laundry, parts, dishes, menus, school sports, rodeos, church functions, community functions, wheat harvest…the list goes on and on as any mom and HarvestHER knows!

God has incredibly blessed me with so much love! People I love and people who love me!

Somehow, in all those blessings, I still find that anxiety creeps in. Even though I know my identity is in Christ, I still fall short in this struggle.
And so…
I also run miles. I have finished a handful of 5km, 10km and half marathons. This last training session has me at 663.4 miles since December that will finish this weekend with a marathon – 26.2 miles/42.2 km (I have had a goal to run 42.2 km race when I was 42! Ha! We will see what 50 brings!)
These miles give me time to pray, time to think and time to learn. It’s like a devotional time, of sorts. It has helped me so much! This does not come easy. It’s many early, early mornings, cold, rain and wind, but for me it has been healing and helpful. And many times, it’s quiet, serene and beautiful!!

I also run while on the harvest trail. This season, I will be training for another half and if anyone wants to join me (even through messaging), I would love that! It’s always nice to have a running buddy! My kids join me lots of times with their bikes 🙂 and even run trails and races with me! It’s great!
I guess this is not so much about harvest or wheat, but it is how I deal with stress and anxiety. It’s how I find alone time with God. It’s how I find time to pray in my busy life. It’s how I support my family and friends (by praying for them mile by mile). It’s not very glamorous or anything but I find it the most relaxing part of my day.

Some of my runs are just so beautiful! God is so Great!!

I will be praying for all affected by flooding, tornadoes and adverse weather. You are all in my heart.
Happy Trails to you all, as another harvest is starting, stay safe friends! Covering miles to cut wheat is a blessing all on its own!
God bless
️“ so I run with purpose in every step.” 1 Corinthians 9:26