Stephanie Osowski – Olson Farms
If you don’t get excited about the idea of driving a new {to you} piece of equipment, you’re doing it wrong.

I love learning new things. Who doesn’t? But for you to fully appreciate why I personally do, you need some insight.

I could create a hearty PowerPoint on certain topics, to where the little more unknown topics are surrounded by wonder and intrigue and when I picture them, they look like puzzle pieces scattered about. A dark puzzle, where the final picture is blurry. But I like to be taught the correct way and me figuring it out on my own with zero guidance is kind of a 50/50 shot. I’ll level with you — I consult YouTube from time to time.

Spraying…I would consider a “limbo” topic. I know of it and what it’s about, but I’ve never actually done it. And that brings us to the significance of this post because before we plant edibles, we have to spray.

This photo has a bit of a story; so this is Pete. He works at the ADM bean elevator in Grafton, and has for over 30 years. He is also my best friends dad so we go way back. The other night he had to come after hours to give me some bean seed and he had us take this photo to send to my best friend, Katie. After the photo was taken, he goes, “that’s the first time I’ve ever taken a photo with anyone picking up seed!”
New thing I’ve learned about myself is that my OCD of combining a field straight with no skips also holds true to working a field — it has to be straight and pretty, no skips. I had a dream (more like a nightmare) last night that there was a skip in the field I worked yesterday. Much to my dismay, my boss sent me a photo of said skip while he was planting… so that was nice.
Planting docket;
We finished about 7:30pm on Thursday and we all breathed a sigh of relief. It even made my snapchat story, which I have shared with you. My first ever completed planting season, right here in 2018! Who woulda thought?