Kylee DeBock / DeBock Harvesting
I have not submitted an update on our crew since we reached Powers Lake, North Dakota in August.
We have been staying busy cutting wheat, durum, canola, and barley. But, just recently, we have had some rain delays and we are going on a week without cutting. The sun is out today (Oct 7th) so we are in hopes that after lunch we will be able to finish up the canola field we are on and head over to another farmer to start on some durum.
Since the boys started school, we have lost half of our crew so we have only been running one combine. I am running the cart, Dillon is in the combine, and Dalton is running the trucks. It has been working out fine this way just because the crops are so behind due to the late planting. We just don’t get as much done in a day with only one machine. The boys help us on weekends but, unfortunately, the weather has only allowed that to happen on one weekend since they started school. However, the weather is looking like we will be able to put them to work this weekend. So, we will be happy to have them in the field with us again, if only for a few days.
The boys’ football seasons will be wrapping up next week as they will play the last game on the schedule. Colston’s game is on Monday and Riggin’s game is on Thursday. They have kept us pretty busy with two games per week and we have LOVED watching them play!

On the days I am not at the field, I have been working over at the Coffee Shop/Hotel in Powers Lake. I have been cleaning rooms and doing laundry to help out when I can. The Hotel owner, Lisa, just had a new baby so she was happy to have the extra help. I can only stay cooped up in a camper for so long before I go crazy so I look forward to going over and helping her out when I can.
One afternoon, I had some HarvestHER ladies come and join me for lunch in Powers Lake. It was so great getting to see these ladies if only for a short visit. We visited for a few hours and then everyone had to get back to their crews and the real world. Thanks girls for coming!

We talked our friends, Matt and Jori Haken, into coming and harvesting in ND this year. They normally head home after their stop in Montana to do fall crops in Nebraska and Oklahoma. However, this year with the drought conditions, those jobs were not going to be available. We have really enjoyed having them here with us. One afternoon we went to Portal, ND which is the last town in the USA. Portal sits right on the border of Canada. We ate lunch in town and then went over on one of the dirt roads and showed them the United States/Canada Sign. They have joined us for church and we have also taken turns cooking supper and visiting at each others campers. They even came to one of Colston’s football games, it was so nice having Oklahoma fans in the stands!

Here’s hoping we get back to work soon!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
Then I heard the Lord say, “Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?” I answered, “I will go! Send Me!” Isaiah 6:8