Kristy Misener / Misener Family Harvesters & Braathen Harvesting
About April 26:
One week ago, Dan arrived home from North Dakota, semis and guys in convoy. It’s been a fun week: getting lots of work done and getting reacquainted with the guys from South Africa. It has been such a pleasure to have them back!
Christiaan and Callen have both slipped back into the groove. Leslie has been here all week too and Clara, as well. She’s fixing to go home though. I wish she wasn’t. It hurts this Granny’s heart to have her go. She’s so capable and such a hard worker.
Today we took off to the Magnum, Oklahoma Rattlesnake Derby. Neither Clara nor Christiaan have ever been. The community has a roundup of area rattlesnakes, a carnival, and flea market. Both of them tried the fried rattlesnake! I’ve had it in the past. It tastes okay, but not much for satisfying an appetite!

It’s pretty warm today and everything needs a rain. Hope there’s wheat to cut – we’ll be ready!
May 28:
Ok guys! I’ve done it again-written something and not posted it . So, I’ll just continue.
We moved out of home – home into (mobile) home!! Except for the disorganization that goes with the transition, it feels great. I have ‘stuff’ everywhere and am wondering when in the world am I going to wear all the clothes I thought I couldn’t live without!
We survived the first camper sleeping night and are all ready to cut wheat!! The guys are all outside tinkering. (Nothing could possibly need repair or adjustment as they’ve done that as a team for the last month).
Our farmer says all the acres he planted will be cut, with the provision that each field pays for the harvesting at a minimum. Dan thinks they will, and then some. We drove through some pretty dismal looking areas on the way here, but these fields look pretty good.
We – mostly I – have prepared and eaten the first camper meal of the year. I am reminded of a dear friend – I sent up prayers of thanksgiving for you – who last year was so incredibly generous in giving me a marvelous gift: a NEW camper range. Dan refit my kitchen last year with the range and also a NEW refrigerator!! I’m so so grateful! What a joy to cook on, and the extra fridge space is awesome!! Thank you Amanda and Anders (and Dan)!!
I, too, have a small kitchen garden. Sweet basil, parsley, chives and a small flowering plant Liz gave me for Mother’s Day right by my sink and kitchen window. Hope it grows well!