Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
It has been a very busy month!
We moved to North Dakota yesterday (August 17) and will start the kids in school in Powers Lake on the 20th. Colston is going into the 5th grade and will be playing football this year; Riggin is going into 2nd.
But I want to back up to when we were in Nebraska, when my parents came to visit us in Sidney.
I was so glad they came, it’s been a while since they had visited us on Harvest. The first day, my daddy went to the field with Dillon and mom stayed at the camper with me. The next day, we were able to go to the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It was a nice day for walking around the booths and then sitting in the shade to watch the rodeo. I had been in the field driving the truck since July 5th, but we got LUCKY that I could have some days off.

There was a gentleman staying in the same RV park that came over the day before and introduced himself to us, his name was Jim. He told us that he’d been working for a harvester for awhile but they had moved on to South Dakota and the crops weren’t quite ready yet so he was looking for something to do to pass the time. He had followed us on social media so he knew we ran Gleaners and he was excited to get to run one of our combines. He helped out the whole time my parents were there, which worked out great! Jim and his wife, Tana, are farmers in Kentucky and they have worked for harvesters for several years while they are waiting on their fall crops to ripen. He was a blessing to me as I got to spend those days with my parents instead of in the semi.
The next day mom and dad “left” to head home. I put quotations because technically they did leave. But I just got sad, I wasn’t ready for them to go! I hadn’t seen them since March and won’t see them again till harvest is over…November. So I called my mom and asked them to come back, they were about an hour away already. But the more I sat in my camper the more I cried. Yes, I cried! I wanted my mom and dad (at age 36) and I am not ashamed! No matter how old you are, you will always want/need your parents!
They did come back and I am SO GLAD they did! We took the boys fishing that day and then I fixed a big supper and took it to the field. My parents got to watch their grandsons drive the tractor and grain cart, see them in action!! They have only seen videos and pictures of my boys working alongside their daddy, but this time they got to see it first hand! They were both so proud! I did finally let them leave, but it was still hard!

A few days after my parents left, I had a friend and her family come spend a day with us at the field. I met Erin in March at the HarvestHER Retreat and we hit it off really well. Her family had gone on vacation to Yellowstone and on the way back they decided to swing in and see us in Sidney. We spent most the day in the field. The kids had a blast playing in the wheat trucks and running around, and the adults had fun just visiting. Our husbands had never met but you wouldn’t have known that by the end of the day! They were joking and carrying on like old friends. I think everyone had a great time and wonderful memories were made, I am so happy they stopped in for a visit!

We finished up in Nebraska and made our big move to Montana. The little boys and I stayed in Hardin and started cutting while the big boys went back to Nebraska for more equipment. One combine worked in Hardin and one in Havre. The rains kept us in Hardin longer than expected. It took us over two weeks to cut a five-day job. So, we ran out of time for getting the second combine to Havre. Since the boys start school soon, we had to get to North Dakota. So now our crew will be split up for awhile.
But with the rain delays came some fun outings. We enjoyed the Billings Fair with our friends, Brandon and Chelsea, as well as an outing to the museum with Kitty, topped off with swimming, and a day spent in Billings with Renae. Plus I got several more days to spend snuggling Skyla, so I was happy about that too!

Happy Harvesting!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“God is my savior; I will trust him and not be afraid. The Lord gives me power and strength; he is my savior.”
Isaiah 12:2 GNT