Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting, Inc.
Yesterday, I shared with you my thoughts about the “In Betweens” of life. My intention was to weave that song into my daily “in betweens” and I just got so deep in my thoughts, the rest of the “story” needed to be told in a separate post. So…here it is.
My morning (after hearing the song) started with making monkey bread at 6am.

“In between” the guys sorting and working the momma cows, I went to Brynn’s kindergarten graduation . The New England High School seniors stood as honor guard for the kindergartners. Very cool!

I came home and then headed out to help the guys (official paper check and tally aka ink pen pusher). But “in between” coming home and heading out to help, I quickly made some banana cream pie (the big version in a jelly roll pan)

The following video shows the guys sorting the calves prior to working them. The momma’s were worked and sorted into pens. Once the calves were sorted and worked, they all went directly together to their designated pasture.

Much thanks to the great crew on hand today – not an easy task and takes a lot of stamina!

The smell of branding never gets old.

All in all, with the weather turning cold and rainy, we are thrilled to have them out to pasture. Just another task complete prior to leaving for harvest!