Danica Neumiller – Neumiller Harvesting

In the words of one of our youngest HarvestHERs, Payzlee, it’s time to go south!
We left North Dakota on Wednesday, May 27th and made it to our stops on Friday, May 29th.
We hit a few bumps along the way (when don’t we?!). We were five miles from home when our Green Pete had an oil leak. The guys got that fixed and we headed on our way again only to stop after another seven miles because one of the combine trailer tires needed to be fixed. We spent about four hours parked along the side of the road twelve miles from home.
We made the best of it, though! We drew with chalk, relaxed in some lawn chairs, and just spent time together or napped while we waited for Logan to come back with the parts they needed. It took longer than we anticipated to get here, but here we are!
We have three separate crews going now. We have a crew with Mychal in Seymour, Texas; a crew with Cole in Vernon, Texas; and a crew with Roger and Logan in Mangum, Oklahoma.
Now it’s time for me to sit back, enjoy the sun, and make sure food is ready when the guys get home! I love these long, hot days enjoying myself at the camper.
The next step is to find a pool that is open for lap swim!