Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
Wow! It’s May already! Every year, when May hits, I am surprised it gets here so fast!
In my last post, school had been postponed until April 8th; however, the kids never went back to school. They will actually be finished with their distance learning on the 8th of May, so only one week left.
Distance learning has been a challenge for parents, teachers, and students but, all in all, I have enjoyed it. There was definitely a learning curve for everyone but I would say the teachers at Mooreland Elementary did a great job coming up with lessons that were engaging and challenging but not so overwhelming that we, as parents, couldn’t keep up. (Well, that’s my opinion anyways) THANK YOU, teachers!!
I really think my kids enjoyed it a lot and even though they have mentioned missing their friends, teachers and sports, we have actually had a great time together during this slower-paced lifestyle.
I have gone from a family of eight to a family of three. Isabella and Karynne were able to book flights and head back home to Brazil. Once home, they quarantined together at Isabella’s house until they knew it was safe to be around others. We all sure miss them. Having them here was such a great experience. One I will treasure for a lifetime!
Shortly after the girls’ departure, the big boys left to go to North Dakota to help our North Dakota farmers with field prep and planting wheat. So, that just left me and the kids here to manage the farm while the boys are away.

Dillon is hoping to be home by June 1st and we will rapidly transition into harvest mode. This will be the first year, since we started harvesting in 2004, that we will not be making the trip to Texas. When Dillon decided to take on the farming in North Dakota, we knew we couldn’t do both. We will miss the sweet little town of Olney and we will especially miss Silvia’s breakfast burritos!
We recently rented some new pastures for our cows and one of them has an AMAZING pond. We loaded up the fishing poles, tents, and food for a fun-filled weekend! Casey and his family came up from Texas to take part in the fun, as well. We are so glad they did!

We had such an amazing time just relaxing and visiting around the campfire, as well as fishing and going out on the paddle boat during the day. Great family memories were made this weekend that will be treasured for years to come. Casey and Kortney were gracious enough to let us keep Cutter for a week and we have had a blast with him.

Since our family is in Agriculture, our life hasn’t really changed much through this covid-19 pandemic. Besides the kids being home from school and not getting to go to church on Sundays, we are pretty much business as usual. I know that is not the case for everyone and I pray that the USA can get everyone back to work soon.
I listened to a sermon the other day that gave me something to really think about. We have all said it, “ I can’t wait until everything is BACK to normal.” But instead of thinking of it like that, why don’t we say, “I am looking FORWARD to the new normal.” We shouldn’t want to go back to the way things were. I feel that through this quarantine, many lives were truly changed. Families ate meals together around the table again, they had family game night, people have put down their phones and opened up the word of God.
I believe that even though this has been a difficult situation for our country and so many American families, I trust that good will come from this!
Continue to pray for our nation, it’s leaders, that we may get back on the right track and we will see many positives come from this!
With much Love,
Kylee DeBock
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Genesis 50:20 NIV
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