Kylee DeBock/DeBock Harvesting
I know I say it all the time but gosh, how has time flown by so fast?
It is hard to believe that the month of March is just days from being over!
March has been a very busy month with, of course, all the harvest preparations that Dillon has been doing on the equipment but also with the boys’ activities. Some days, I feel like I meet myself coming and going!
At the beginning of March, I went to Omaha, Nebraska for the annual HarvestHER Retreat! I cannot explain how much this long weekend means to me.
I look forward to this time with fellow harvest wives so much that I start anticipating next year’s retreat on the drive home! If you have ever thought about going but just haven’t done it yet, then just make yourself register next year and come and experience it for yourself. You will NOT regret it!
You will make lifelong friendships and leave with your spirit renewed. These women have become “My People”. We talk daily. We reach out to one another for prayer or ask questions about the latest DOT change or ask for parenting advice and even share our trials and successes.

Right now, we are doing a devotional together as a group called, Draw the Circle. This devotional was in our goodie bag and all the retreat goers received one. We decided at the retreat that we would like to go through it together as a group.
Each day, Tracy posts a short video that goes along with the daily reading and then we can discuss it throughout the day. This has been so helpful to me to keep me consistent and accountable. I have enjoyed reading the prospective of others each day and learning from them the things I didn’t pick up myself.
I am so thankful to our sponsors and to Tracy for making this all happen. I am mostly thankful to God that he gave Tracy this vision and she stepped out of her comfort zone and said, “Yes Lord”.
Last month, I posted about Colston making a shop table and competing at the local level, where they won the Class and the Division. Well, he and his partner took the table to a competition in Oklahoma City with entries from all over the state. They, again, won the table Class and then won Reserve Champion in the Division. The Division is made up of several classes being combined. We are so proud of them and all the hard work they put in on this project.

Spring break has come and gone. We spent it in North Dakota this year. As I had posted at the end of last year, we will be moving to North Dakota this Fall. We went for about four days to get a few more things in order.
Oklahoma is about to blow away due to the lack of moisture. When we got to North Dakota, it was covered in snow. They had a big snow system move through on late Saturday night and we arrived on Sunday evening. We got to experience a little bit of what we are getting ourselves into. We have been going to North Dakota for over ten years for harvest but we have never been there in full blown winter. I do have to admit, it was a beautiful sight to see it all snow covered. Plus, snow means moisture and moisture is the first step in making a good crop and, as a harvester and farmer, it is a blessing!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them. Matthew 18:20