Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting

I am writing this post from the passenger seat of our boss’ feed pickup. I am being chauffeured around by our ten-year-old, Colston. He may only be ten but this kid is quite a hand! He is an amazing young man and I love him so much.
Dillon and Riggin, our six-year-old, are feeding for another rancher while he’s on vacation. I know they are my kids but I am so proud of them both and their work ethic. In this day and age, finding a kid that knows what hard work looks like is slim to none.

Our 2018 had its ups and downs but when it was all said and done, we can thank God for a successful year. He provided jobs for us to get over the hump and on to next year. Our harvest was a bit longer this year, as we just got all the equipment home on December 19th! I was glad to have it all home before Christmas so we could finally relax a little and enjoy the time with family.

We had Christmas with Dillon’s family earlier in the month, so we were able to enjoy Christmas morning at our house. The boys were up at 7:45 to start opening gifts. But, as always, before we opened gifts we read the Christmas story. I remember my Papaw doing that with my family and I enjoy continuing his tradition.

Around 1:00, Dillon’s parents and Grandpa Jim joined us at our house for dinner. It was nice having them over and enjoying the day with us. My family will be joining us this weekend for Riggin’s 7th birthday (January 5th) and enjoying a weekend of basketball.

The equipment is home and 2018 harvest is complete. Preparations for 2019 have already started. We traded our headers, started the ordering process for combine parts, looking at resumes for our employees, searching for a hired hand camper and, as always, pray for guidance and wisdom for the 2019 harvest!

As this year comes to a close, I hope you can find peace in your life, have love in your heart and, most importantly, let it all go and let God lead you where He needs you most!
Many blessings to you in 2019,
Kylee DeBock
“May the Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:26 GNT