Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
My last post had us waiting out the weather after finishing up some durum.
Well, let me tell you, that was a long MONTH!!
We picked up another farmer that was needing help with his wheat and we were happy to help him out. Once we took the job, however, we cut for two days and then the North Dakota weather set in. We got two snow storms (the boys loved playing in that at recess), lots of rain and a bit of wind! With that being said, our beautiful wheat field, that once stood three feet tall, was now laying flat on the ground! So once the sun finally came out and the wheat was dry enough to cut, it was slow going. The wheat was making around 80 bushels per acre (farmer said this is his best crop since he started farming!) and we could drive about 3.5 miles per hour. With the change in conditions, we were only able to drive 1.5. We just finished it up this afternoon (17th) and moved on to soybeans!

The beans we are currently cutting are really nice looking beans, since the bean stock is a lot thicker they didn’t break over. They are still standing tall and cutting really well!
Since the weather was not cooperating, we have had a lot of free time. We have gone to high school volleyball and football games every week and it was nice to get out of the camper and visit with the locals.
Our family was invited over to the Bullinger’s house for the Minnesota Vikings game one Sunday afternoon, as well as, having dinner at the Grubb household a few days later. Both families have kids our boys’ age so while the parents visited, the kids played and it made for very enjoyable evenings.
But best of all was when we took an amazing day trip into Canada to watch a Bruins Hockey game! The kids absolutely loved it! It was our first time ever watching a live hockey game. The only other time we watch hockey is during the Olympics.

Our seats were right next to the penalty box, so Riggin made friends with one of the players (he was in there quite a few times). There were lots of fights during the game that landed the players in the box! During a time-out, this player gave Riggin an official game puck and even played catch with him through the window of the penalty box! Riggin was on cloud nine the rest of the evening! We all really enjoyed the trip!

This week’s forecast looks great for cutting and we have been putting in a lot of hours each day so we can get caught up! We still have several farmers to get to but there is still lots of crop standing so we are hopeful to get “one more job!”
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because of his great mercy he gave us new life by raising Jesus Christ from death. This fills us with a living hope,”
1 Peter 1:3 GNT