Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
Our Harvest crew has been in Havre, Montana for a few weeks now. We have been hit or miss on the days that we cut. Some days have been full-blown Harvest days where we were able to cut from 9:00 am to midnight. Some days we cut for just a few hours and there were even days we didn’t cut at all. While not cutting is not really good for business, it is good for having good times and making memories.

Working with the Komrosky family is one of our favorite stops all year. Brandon and Krista are not just amazing farmers, they have become great friends! They have two children, Rainee and Rhett, and they are close to our boys’ ages. While we are here, we set up our campers at their farm and our kids just have a blast (adults too). Krista calls it “free-range parenting”. The kids run back and forth between our two campers and the two houses (the farmer’s as well as the grandparent’s home – they live on the farm, too).

One of the days off, we took a float trip down the Milk River. We floated a good six miles and it took us right at four hours. We packed lots of snacks and sunscreen and had the best time. The kids were ready to do it again as soon as we pulled the rafts out of the water. So, we hope to be able to fit it in next year, as well.

Dillon’s brother, Laramie, and his wife, Dacia, flew up for a visit on Thursday and stayed till Monday afternoon. It didn’t take Laramie long to take over my combine so I got to have a few days off to hang at the campers with the girls. One afternoon, we had a “spa” day with Rainee. She brought over her makeup kit, hair color, and nail supplies. I have never put color in my hair before so this was a new adventure! It was a very fun day.

The boys had a half-day of cutting one day and were going to be home for dinner. We had dinner fixed for them when they got home, so us girls decided to have a girl’s night out on the town. We went to Andy’s supper club and enjoyed a nice steak dinner and had a very fun evening.

We will be finishing up here soon and headed to North Dakota. Since we are there for a few months, we enroll our boys in school there! They will be starting on August 21st. Colston will be in fourth grade and Riggin will be in first grade! They love Powers Lake school and so do we! Go Ranchers!!

It is hard to believe that summer is so close to coming to an end. I hope you and your family have enjoyed some fun summer activities and made some great memories.
Happy Harvesting from our crew to yours!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“For the whole Law is summed up in one commandment: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.””
Galatians 5:14 GNT
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