Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.

I recently returned home from a ten-day journey and with all the things I could write about, one lady keeps popping up in my mind and on my heart.
The HarvestHER retreat in Omaha was the beginning of my journey. I could never write all the good things that have, and continue to, come from this relationship with all the ladies, sponsors and extended families associated with HarvestHER. I left there grateful and ready to take on yet another harvest tour.
From my driving partners, to my riders and every single moment of the retreat, I truly found it all life changing and worthwhile.
Yet, this lady in the picture tugged most at my heart.

I learned that Kiowa, Kansas was celebrating its annual Pioneer Days and this year they were focusing a little on “the harvest”.

Myron and I wouldn’t be able to attend, as we’d be home by then, yet all the way home I hoped that this wonderful town (where I started my harvest journey so many years ago) would take some time to remember the pioneers who made the harvest and this town shine.
People like ‘ole Chuck and Maxine Payne who had the trailer park for years and made darn sure you parked out on the street and didn’t make tracks on the grass! They always looked forward to harvest and knew everyone by name.
The Rathgebers who kept things running (they let us use their children to wax machines and it only cost us a can of Mountian Dew). They were always there to help, to lend a hand, or buy a drink at the Tracs (man, I loved those margaritas on the rocks).

I think of Bob Hays (owner of the local hardware store) who stayed open a little longer and, to me, seemed to be ten feet tall.
Who among us hasn’t loved and overate on Monte’s ribs and his cooking at The Plum?
Then there is Deb. Between his white muscle tanks and signature wave as you entered town, he is still talked about in trailer parks across the flyover states.
All the dedicated partsmen, fuelmen, Les and Vera at the grocery store simply always made your day. The priests and parishioners who always made our family welcome. It’s just too difficult to remember and to name them all!
Kiowa will always be Combine City USA to me and Myron. Old friends and new friends, like Amanda and Anders, all fill our hearts with gratitude.

Our customers were always the “Best of the Best” and we will be forever grateful.
But this lady is and always will be special…Miss Laurie Hiltner.

During my first newlywed summer on harvest, we pulled into Kiowa with a little Vagabond trailer and a school bus that was converted into a camper (it even pulled a header). We used a Maytag wringer-washer, which stood outside the men’s camper, and Chuck’s clothesline for drying. I was overwhelmed and nervous, to say the least, but will never forget that moment when a Chevy van pulled up and from the window, Laurie said, “Hop in! Let’s go for a ride.”

Hours and a six-pack later, I knew I had been blessed with a true friend.
Shirts and More will always be my favorite Kiowa store. Laurie ran her business, volunteered and participated in many events in Kiowa. Through the years, we watched the city and the harvesters come and go. We exchanged stories of our children growing, marrying and how our lives and health changed.
She really is a “Pioneer HarvestHER” as she married the hired hand (a North Dakota native, by the way) that came to town for the harvest. Her huge heart and soul are what many of the harvesters who came to town will always remember.
She was a part of the “free harvester” meals sponsored in town. Her EMT care and open front door are just a few of the things worth mentioning and thanking her for.
I hope this wonderful little town knows that it was this kind of hospitality that keeps it on the map.
Kiowa will always be one of Myron’s favorite coffee places. We have kept many wonderful relationships with harvester friends whom he met there for a cup every morning. I’m sure the Braathen’s and the Wilcox’s can attest to that!
We’ve attended funerals and had to say goodbye to many of our friends there but there are still plenty we are forever grateful for and enjoy keeping in touch with.
So, Kiowa, I hope you celebrated everyone or at least know that it’s the people that made Combine City USA unforgettable and special.
And, Laurie, thanks for picking me up that day and every day and moment I get to spend visiting or talking with you. May God Bless you and his grace sustain you.