Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
And just like that, summer is over!
I can’t believe how fast each year seems to pass. We are still on the Harvest trail but as far as the kids’ summer vacation, it is over. They started school on August 21st. We start our kids in school in Powers Lake, North Dakota. This is the third year for us to do this and it works really well for our family.
I used to take the kids home to start school in Oklahoma, but school starts the first week of August. So the kids and I would head home the end of July, and we wouldn’t see Dillon again until late October. That was extremely hard on our family. We talked with the kids about trying a new school and they were both very receptive to the idea. I love that my kids are up for new adventures! The first year I thought it was going to be difficult for them to start a new school, when in reality, it was actually harder pulling them out to head home because they enjoyed it in Powers Lake so much. This school and community has been a blessing to our family and we love coming back each year!

We left Havre, Montana on August 14th after being there for a little over two weeks. The crops there were very good this year due to all the winter and spring moisture! The grain cart driver and truck drivers stayed very busy!
We set up camp in Powers Lake and headed straight to the field. We had our combines split up for a few days so that landed me a job in the combine cutting lentils. Just before leaving Havre, the hub on the grain cart broke so when we got to Powers Lake, we weren’t able to use it….well, at least not use it like normal. Since we were split up, that only gave us one truck and the hauls were 35 miles one way. The combine was only able to cut a bin load and then we were sitting until the truck got back. Well, my husband decided that wasn’t very productive so we parked the LOADED grain cart in the field so I could keep cutting while he was gone. Then, he just pulled the truck under the grain cart auger and loaded the truck. It actually worked pretty well.

We had been staying very busy since our arrival here in North Dakota but we are now stopped due to rain and it’s been a gully washer! The first day was a hard, steady rain all day, but the last few days it’s just sprinkled off and on throughout the day. Unfortunately, the forecast for the week doesn’t look promising for the next few days!

Kitty and I decided sitting in the campers all day yesterday was no fun so we are on a “girl’s day” in Minot today. She is making her annual shoe purchase, more shopping, a nice girly lunch and then we will end the day with getting our toes done!

Here’s hoping the weather is cooperating with your crew!
Happy Harvesting!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully!”
Matthew 5:6 GNT