Kylee DeBock / DeBock Harvesting
Well hello 2022! How did you get here so fast?
Our New Years was spent feeding cattle and then home to watch movies and play board games with the kids. We even had a fire and Riggin roasted everyone some marshmallows. Nothing too fancy, but it does this momma’s heart good to have days like that.
I hope that when my kids look back on their childhood, it is with fond memories and a smile on their face!

Riggin turned TEN on January 5th, and I am still trying to figure out how that happened so quickly! Riggin’s basketball games are on Saturdays so on January 8th, after his games were over, we took the basketball team out for pizza! It was a good time had by all!

Basketball season started in October and Colston is now playing Junior High ball which consists of 7th, 8th and 9th graders. At the beginning of the season, Colston was playing a few minutes every game but has now worked his way up to being a starter!! He is in 7th grade starting with four freshman!
His team just recently played in a tournament and took the championship! They played some really great basketball to earn these wins! The boys are playing so good together and it’s sad to say the season will be wrapping up at the end of this month!

Seems like just when the kids are really getting together and figuring each other out, the season is over and you have to wait another year to watch them play again.
Over Christmas break, Dillon and I loaded up Colston’s pickup and took it to the body shop to get painted. He picked out the prettiest shade of blue (it was yellow)!
He continues to work on it every spare moment he can. He still has a ways to go before it’s complete but we are so proud of him. He has done most of the work himself, as well as paying for it too!

Dillon and I have been in ranch-mode since getting home from harvest.
We’ve preg checked cows, fixed fence, hauled water, weaned calves, built a new set of corrals, feed cows every other day, and so much more that comes along with ranching.

Finally, it’s my favorite part of ranching…it’s calving season. With all the hours we put in, when you go to feed and see those fresh calves running around, it makes it all worth it! Calving started this year on Christmas Day and will continue till mid-March. So far, things are going very smoothly and I hope that continues.
Here’s hoping 2022 is a great year for everyone!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.”
2 Timothy 1:7 HCSB