Greetings fellow HarvestHERs!
I am thrilled to share my story and farming experiences with you! I am a farmer’s wife, mother of one, part-time photographer, and a full-time meat inspector for the USDA. Also a member of our county’s CattleWomen as well as the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association. I am a pretty busy lady, to say the least!
Residing in western Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plains—Johnston Farms is solely operated by my husband and myself. We are truly blessed to have a growing operation at such a young age, hoping to continue the dream of farming to feed the world long into our 80’s.
My husband and I both graduated from Oklahoma State University. Brandon studied agriculture economics with an emphasis in farm and ranch management. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science. We believe our education is valuable to the farm and ranch operation.
Our farm and ranch operation is always keeping us on our toes, primarily farming Hard Red Winter Wheat, for harvest and hay. We have rotating crops of Alfalfa, Triticale, and Cow Peas.
The cattle herd is mostly black Angus, but we’ve got some amazing Herefords dropping this season, thanks to our newest prize-winning bull, Harry. Harry the Hereford. They say not to name your cattle, but it’s a safe bet that we aren’t going to harvest the Bull; therefore, he shall bear a name. You’ll likely hear about the other Kings (Bulls) and Queens (Cows) of the herd in my later posts.

Our daughter will be turning two this summer, and let me tell you, she is the epitome of a FarmHER, not afraid of anything, and thoroughly enjoys working cattle.

With my photography hobby, I typically shoot lifestyle on the farm and ranch; you’ll see a lot my images to include our cattle, farm dogs, my daughter, and my dear Farmer, himself.
If you have any questions about this life in Oklahoma, just shoot me a message. I would be more than happy to share stories with you!
Until next time, happy harvesting!