Emma (Misener) Schneider – Misener Family Harvesters
There are days when I just don’t feel like enough.
I know you all must have felt this at least once. I am sitting here on the couch, almost noon, doing nothing. I made it out of bed. I peed for the seventh time since midnight. I somehow managed to get to the kitchen and lug my sandwich in the microwave for 45 seconds. Sat down sipping my orange juice and have done nothing since. Wow. What a triumph.
But I have to remember, sometimes, it IS enough.
Guess what, I MADE IT OUT OF BED, FULLY DRESSED AND HAIR COMBED! I peed for the seventh time this morning! I have a baby who is sitting on my bladder that makes me have to go that often! I already made myself breakfast, instead of sitting on the couch first! Now I get to enjoy my beautiful morning, looking at flurries coming down outside, enjoying the fireplace, sipping my orange juice.
I can feel our baby somersaulting inside of me (had to have been the orange juice)! Wow! What a triumph!

Even though these may seem to be very minimal achievements, they are MY achievements! And I am proud!
Some days I can do a whole lot more. For example, help Evan load up firewood for our house for heating (don’t worry ladies, nothing over ten pounds). Which, in itself, can sometimes feel like I am an underachiever compared to the self I used to be…lugging logs bigger than me!
But that’s just it, I can’t compare myself to the past. I am living in the present. And it is a damn good present! I have a God-given life growing inside of me! I am healthy and strong. God has given this day to me. Why would I not rejoice in it? Hardships, struggles, worries, all come and go.
I could sit here thinking about how worried I am this baby will not be here for me to hold longer than an hour, a day, or a year. I could sit here thinking, “Wow, what a struggle Evan and I have been through just in the little time we have spent together in this life we’ve made.” I could sit here thinking about how hard life is and how the hardships we’ve endured have seemed to knock us off of our feet. But I simply can’t.
Be gone, Satan! I choose to think about all the hardships and struggles and worries we’ve been through and how we’ve risen above them!
We have two beautiful children in heaven smiling down on us, interceding in our lives for the good! We have a third child with us right now and I cannot think of anything better! God gave us an incredible gift we both cherish every day.

Those worrying thoughts do come upon us from time to time and we do our best to overcome. Many everyday struggles like tax season approaching, whether we’ll have our house done before this sweet babe makes an appearance in July, whether or not we have enough money to finance the house or even food. How about the struggle we had just last week when I thought I was loosing this baby. All okay, though. I found out I have a “SCH” (Sunchorionic Haematoma).
I COULD let it depress me, I COULD wallow in self-pity, but I chose not to. I will take all the precautions and medical advice I can, but I will not let it get the best of me. We choose to pray and ask for Gods help, trust that He knows what is best for us, that He gives us the help we need to make smart and responsible decisions, and gives us grace to take head-on anything life throws at us. And to DEAL with them graciously, so we can move forward.
Always move forward!
On Sunday, we will have had this baby for 16 weeks! What a milestone! We go in again to the doctor soon (every two weeks now with my history) and we get the joy of seeing our sweet babe on screen again. God willing, he/she will make their appearance the beginning of July. Stay in there little one!
Grow, grow, grow!
We pray every night for Saint Hope and Saint Henry’s intercession, that God will heal my body and keep it a safe place for this child to grow. For all mothers and fathers who have miscarried or lost an infant or child. For all mothers and fathers who are pregnant right now. For couples suffering from infertility, unable to conceive. For those planning on having an abortion, that they may change their minds and choose adoption instead. For our country. Especially New York, at this moment, so they will reverse the bill just passed allowing the killing of children in the womb up until birth. And an end to abortion everywhere.
In all of my struggles, hardships and worries, I have chosen to offer up my sufferings for those children who never had a voice. I can do this for them. Please join me in prayer for all of the unborn, their families, and our nation.
You are enough sisters! Believe it!
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