Hi! I’m Michelle Woerner-Schoenrock. I’m from Burr Oak/Mankato, Kansas. I’m with my family’s harvest crew, Woerner Farms.
Woerner Farms has been in the harvesting business for 49 years. My parents, Mitch and Cheryl Woerner, started this adventure. They are both still very active in the business.
My brother, Arnold, and wife, Doris, have taken over heading the crew with the help of their sons, Buck, Wes and his wife, Wendy.
As for me, I have three great kids and a pretty cute granddaughter. Shiann is a combine operator/mechanic and everywhere else she is needed. She’s pretty handy!
Shawnee runs an elevator at home. She comes to visit any free time she has. She runs a combine also. Ty, my boy, is running the grain cart part-time, fuels and helps service machines. Then me…I truck, cook, and run the cart when needed. I also have a trucking business at home hauling cattle with my partner J.R.
So with all that being said…
I’ve been a HarvestHER all but five years of my life.
I can’t wait to share our adventures at Woerner Farms 2017 with you all!!