Shana Gregory – 4G Harvesting & Trucking
Harvest season is so close I can nearly smell it….except for these allergies lol!
My guys are working endlessly trying to get everything ready to load up and head south very soon.
This year, my anxiety of it all is at an all-time high. Where I am so ready for school to come to an end for the year (school nurse) and get on harvest, I am also dreading it a bit. Jeff and I have a graduating Senior (Hadley) that we, in the middle of harvest, will have to move out and send off to college. Hadley will be attending McMurry University to study criminology. It is only an hour away from home, but I am still having all the feels about it and welcome any prayers for this momma’s heart, lol!
Our son and grain cart/combine driver, Hayden, will turn 16 this month so his level of helping out will greatly increase. We are excited to have another licensed driver when it comes to moving days!

Deuce, our Great Dane, is more than ready to hit the road and have his momma all to himself all day. He loves being a harvest kid…forcing all the guys to love on him any time he is in the field! But who wouldn’t want to love on a face as cute as his?!
I pray for a great season for all of my HarvestHER friends and hope I get to meet many more this year face to face! I will try to do much better with checking in this year than I did last year…let’s do this!!!!
P.S. I will have my eye out for anyone that shares yummy new recipes to cook for my crew, just throwing that out there lol!