Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.
We are ten days into soybean harvest 2018 and the first week, for me, started off busy.
The massive amount of snow melted and combines were running. I arrived on Monday and things were going as normal as could be, guys up and off in the morning and me cleaning and organizing. But, alas, the rains came Thursday and made for long, anxious “looking at the sky and weather reports” kind of weekend.
On Monday, my dad and 109 other vets and 50 escorts were all a part of a military honor flight that left Bismarck for Washington, DC. I could never be able to mention all those involved in this event BUT my prayers and gratitude for each and every one will be forever. With all that is happening throughout America and the world, this flight, which takes place and has been for many years, is a very good thing!
Our family was thrilled our father was fit and able to make the flight.
My father, who served in Korea, had one daughter, two son-in-laws and now eight grandchildren serve in the military: Six enlisted, four officers, nine Air Force and one Army. Pretty wonderful!!

I left the camper on Tuesday afternoon to welcome them back in Bismarck. I was completely overwhelmed with the members of every branch of service and the people who showed up to welcome these soldiers! The flight was a little late but everyone, including the marching band from a local high school, were proud to be there!
It did my heart and soul good to see this and to be a part of it. If any of you hear of a flight coming in to your area, make an effort to go. I stood among grandmas and grandchildren, scout groups and vets all clapping, crying and trying to capture the moment on their phones/cameras!
In this video, you can see my son and dad walking in the line. Toward the end, they look up and see me. My dad shook a fist (of victory) and then we blew kisses to each other and, of course, the camera is to the side. lol!
Didn’t matter that kiss meant everything. So proud!
(To help you identify my dad – he is the guy with the blue hat with the young man behind him with a camera.)
Some back-to-work photos. Thank you to the crew for these “snap” shots!
We began our second week in the field (so far). We know it’s going be below 30 at night and are prepared.
Sometimes, life and work ain’t all roses, as it should be, for I believe the men and women who fought and gave their lives for our freedoms didn’t have it so easy either………
Nothing worthwhile should ever come easy!
Thank you to all the veterans reading this and God Bless America!!!!