Amanda Buus Thomsen – BT Harvesting
The Long Road Home to Scott City
Day 154: The day had finally come. After a season filled with weather challenges – early freeze, lots of hail, snow in September, weeks of rain, snow, snow and MORE snow – we were headed home.

Equipment blown off and loaded up, campers packed and trucks ready to go, we headed south. About four hours into the trip, we stopped to check chains and to take a break…and that’s when it happened. I hopped out of the truck to hand out lunches to the crew and I got the news. Our farmer in Scott City called. They were expecting snow that weekend and wanted help getting their milo finished. So…what’s a crew to do? We changed course and headed to southwest Kansas!

Thankful for the extra acres, we headed west into the sunset. While Anders got the guys parked up, I got our camper unpacked and made dinner by picking up the phone and ordering several large pizzas from the local pizza place. After twelve hours of driving, that’s my kind of cooking!
With good weather and dry milo, our acres cut quickly. As an added bonus I was able to have lunch with an old friend that I hadn’t seen in years – what a nice surprise!

After cutting seven different crops in 158 days, in seven states and one province – we headed home.
But, we aren’t done yet. We were surprised to see all the soybeans, milo and cotton still in the field and were lucky enough to pick up some bean acres. When we finished there, we tried to start on some milo, but found it’s still wet. So, our equipment is in the field, patiently waiting for it to dry. But we’re at home and we’re thankful.
Since most of the crew was still here at Thanksgiving, we were more than happy to have them at our table. We were even happier incredibly fortunate to have an outstanding, hardworking, awesome crew.

With most of the campers and extra equipment washed, winterized and put away for the year, our season is almost done. Just in time to start on paperwork for the 2019 season!