Kylee DeBock / DeBock Harvesting
Well, can you believe that February is almost over?
We have had a lot of activities with the kids to keep us very busy. Although, if we didn’t have things to do, I think we would go stir crazy.
We are so used to being on the road, running from one practice with Riggin to a ballgame for Colston or vise versa. I love our busy lifestyle and know it will all come to a screeching halt one day…sooner than we’d like!
Both boys are done with basketball. Colston is headed into trap shooting and baseball, while Riggin begins track.

Riggin played school ball and OK Kids. His OK Kids team played three games in one day; winning them all and being named the Tournament Champions! We are so proud of him and his team for working hard all season.

Colston is in the Technical Application Program (TAP) in Woodward. He goes to TAP every school day from 8:00-10:30. He is really learning a lot and loves having the hands on teaching each day.
All TAP, FFA and 4-H kids from surrounding towns had the opportunity to compete in an Agriculture Mechanics Show on February 18th. There were many different categories to enter. There were flatbeds for trucks, flatbed trailers, shop tables, benches, portable feed trailers and so much more!
Colston and his friend, Rylan Kahoe, competed in the shop table category. They were the only 8th graders in this category and were competing against high school students. They spent a month building this table. Lots of late nights after school and on weekends were spent in our shop for the completion of this amazing table.

The boys’ hard work paid off! They WON the shop table class as well as were the overall WINNER for the Agriculture Machinery and Equipment Division.
Colston had two people at the show ask him to build them one. So, I guess he will be doing a few more tables before we leave on harvest! He is pretty excited about this because he will get paid to make them.
The table that he and Rylan built was made for the Vo-Tech and will be put in the new welding shop when it gets completed. We are very proud of both the boys!

Dillon has been working hard on harvest projects already trying to get as much done as he can before heading to North Dakota in April to help with the planting. Somedays, I honestly don’t know how he keeps going. He is in the shop by 7:30 every morning and doesn’t finish until I call him in for supper each evening around 8:00. I am so thankful for him and his hard work making sure everything is in tip-top shape each year before we leave on harvest. His hard work keeps us from having problems or break downs during the harvest season.
As I write this update we are actually on our way to Red River, New Mexico to go snow skiing. We are very excited to have a fun-filled weekend making memories with the kids!

God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for the believers in your speech, your conduct, your love, faith and purity. 1 Timothy 4:12