Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
We are still harvesting around Powers Lake, North Dakota. We have finished up all the small grains on our schedule (there are still acres out there) and are now waiting on the soybeans to get ready.

Unfortunately, the North Dakota fall weather has set in. Luckily, we finished our last durum field just a few hours before the rain started on September 13th. Fast forward to today, September 29th, and we haven’t cut an acre since. The weather has turned cold, cloudy, and rainy! We woke up the other morning to frost on the windshields at a chilly 22 degrees!

Since we can’t cut, we have had a lot of family game/movie nights, as well as taking in all the varsity volleyball and football games, which has been fun! We did, however, move our combines to our next field yesterday and we will officially be cutting fall crops when the weather straightens up. So, I guess you get the fall weather with the fall crops!
The boys have been enjoying their Saturday flag football games and since the weather hasn’t cooperated to cut, we’ve got to attend all of them. Last night, Powers Lake held their homecoming football game and the kids played at half time. They thought that was great and really enjoyed it! And as far as the high school game, it was a nail bitter! Two unbeaten teams battling it out for the number one spot! It came down to the wire but Powers Lake pulled out the win 27-26! Great job, Outlaws!!

Since we hadn’t been able to work, Levi and Kitty went home to Oklahoma so Levi could plant wheat. The timing worked out perfectly for them to be able to see their youngest son, Casey, and his family. Casey had already planned on coming up to Oklahoma for his high school class reunion the same weekend Kitty and Levi got home. So they got a few days to spend with their adorable grandson, Cutter! We haven’t seen Cutter since Easter so I can’t wait to get home to see that little boy! He is growing up so fast and will be having his first birthday next month!

Dillon is about to go stir crazy not working but I have sure enjoyed the down time with my family making memories to last a lifetime. Plus, the longer it rains, the longer we get to stay in this AMAZING town! I love the town of Powers Lake and the people in this AWESOME community!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Let God’s people rejoice in their triumph and sing joyfully all night long.”
Psalm 149:5
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