Kylee DeBock / DeBock Harvesting
Here it is again, sneaking up on us! How does it happen so fast every year?
The last two years, we have stayed in Powers Lake, North Dakota until Christmas break. This year, however, we were finished harvesting in mid-October. So, we decided we’d go ahead and come home.
Colston is in Junior High now and wanted to be back for the beginning of basketball season. This year, the timing worked out to get him home a week before practices started. Riggin is also playing basketball this year. So, we are staying very busy with practices and games.

Colston has been working hard out in the shop with every spare hour he is home. In May, my dad gave Colston a 1978 Ford that he purchased from the original owner. It was in fair shape but needed some TLC! Colston didn’t get to do much to it before we left on harvest, but the DAY we got home he started to work on it.

Hours have gone into this truck and 98% of the work has been done by him alone. We are so proud of him and we’ve enjoyed watching him on this project. The truck has gone to the sandblaster and its next step is paint. So, within the next few weeks, we should get to bring home a pretty blue truck. Its original color was yellow!
Our harvest season had ups and downs, as always, but this July was a tough one for our family. On July 14th, we lost our sweet dog, Zoe. We’d had her for 4 1/2 years and we still miss her. Especially now that we are home and doing cattle stuff. She loved helping us with that! For weeks after Zoe was gone, I would get to the field and open the back pickup door for her to get out, my heart broke each time.

One of the highlights of harvest was getting to go to the DeBock family reunion over the 4th of July and finding out that we will be getting an addition to the DeBock Family! Dillon’s younger brother, Laramie, and wife, Dacia, are expecting their first child the end of this month…and it’s a girl! We are all so excited to meet her! (Update: Daisy Lynnae DeBock was born on December 27th, 2021)

Dillon and I have been working like crazy on the ranch and I am honestly ready to go back on harvest so I can rest…and everyone knows how much work harvest is!! We have fixed fence, built corrals, preg checked cows, worked calves, fixed water leaks, hauled water, and so much more that comes with owning cattle. We should start calving at the end of this month so there will be lots of sleepless nights as we bring heifers to our house and do night checks every 3-4 hours. But with all the work comes the joy of watching those baby calves run around in the pasture.
Our first calf was born on Christmas Day. I named her Holly!

This year, we surprised the kids with an early Christmas gift and took them to Las Vegas for the NFR (National Finals Rodeo). They were both so excited about the trip. We left on the 2nd and returned on the 5th. We watched round one live then on Friday and Saturday we went to one of the host hotels to watch it on large projectors.

On Saturday morning, we took the kids on a helicopter ride over the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. The views were absolutely breathtaking and our pilot gave us lots of history of the area. The pictures just don’t do it justice. We all had an amazing time in Vegas and this trip will be hard to beat! What fantastic memories we made.
As 2021 comes to a close, I hope that you find yourself surrounded by loved ones enjoying life and all it has to offer.

God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory.” 1 Corinthians 10:31