Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
I think I say this every year, “How is it already December?” As the boys get older, time seems to speed up.
My last post had our crew split up in North Dakota and Nebraska but we have since gotten everyone back together. We withdrew the kids from school the first week of November and headed to meet the other half of our crew in Nebraska. We knew we wouldn’t be heading straight home, so the North Dakota teachers were gracious enough to send text books and assignments with us so I could keep the boys on track.
We finished in Nebraska just in time for snow to hit the day after we moved to our job in Kansas. (That darn stuff keeps following us) We unloaded round one and the men headed back to Nebraska for the second load. Upon return, we had promised Ryan that we would have him home for Thanksgiving, so he flew out on November 19. We worked a few days cutting milo and had plans to head to my parents on Wednesday.
Oh plans on harvest…that’s just funny! Of course, that didn’t happen.
I had entered a 5K race with my cousin and sister on Thanksgiving morning. I had been “training” when I could but even though I am slow and can only run three miles in thirty minutes, I was still looking forward to it.
Unfortunately, our plans got changed. I wasn’t able to leave Kansas until Thanksgiving morning, but I made it just in time for lunch!!
I hadn’t seen my family since June so it was so wonderful getting to spend four days with them with nothing to do but visit and have fun. Sunday came too fast! I had to head back “Home, Home” to get the kids back in school.
Dillon told me I needed to be back in Kansas on Monday to help finish up. I was a bit anxious because we transferred our boys to a new school this year and I wasn’t looking forward to signing all the paperwork and then leaving them for who knows how long.
You know that stuff that followed us from North Dakota to Nebraska? Well, it found its way to Kansas, as well. This time, however, it was welcomed. The snow gave me a chance to stay “Home, Home” for awhile.
We left on harvest mid June and I returned home November 25! The snow shut Dillon down so he came home since it was going to be awhile before we could get back into the fields. He, too, welcomed the time at home!
While we were home, we decorated our house for Christmas, started the cleaning process (amazing how dirty things get when no one’s home), started feeding cows (for the ranch we have worked for the past 10+ years) and enjoyed a family Christmas.

The holidays are so busy for everyone that some of our family needed to celebrate Christmas earlier this year so they could get home for a visit. So, the DeBock Christmas was held on December 12th! We had family up from Texas, down from Montana and sideways from Arizona! It was a Christmas to remember, for sure!

What a blessing these few days were! Family is VERY important to me and it was so nice to be able to slow down and enjoy everyone’s company.
Also, on a VERY exciting note, I was able to babysit my nephew. He had his first sleepover at our house and my boys absolutely LOVED it (so did Aunt Kylee)! I have NEVER been around a child that is so happy ALL THE TIME! Cutter is as good and as cute as they come and has such a sweet personality.

We got up this morning (December 16) and headed back to Kansas. So, it’s back to work I go! I hadn’t even got to the field before Dillon calls on the radio and says, “When you get here, hop in that Pete and head to town!” I guess in order to get finished, we have to get started. So here’s hoping we get done and moved home before Christmas!
Don’t forget Jesus is the reason for the season! Wishing you and your family a very Merry CHRISTmas!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“This very day in David’s town your Saviour was born — Christ the Lord! And this is what will prove it to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.””
Luke 2:11-12 GNB