Survival of the Fittest
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. As I write this, it is 19 degrees and the shower drain is frozen. ...
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. As I write this, it is 19 degrees and the shower drain is frozen. ...
Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting My last post had us waiting out the weather after finishing up some durum. Well, let me tell you, that was a long MONTH!! We...
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. It has been a busy mid-August through, what is soon to be, mid-September for us. With wheat harvest ending, the farm activities and even...
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. I returned home from a weekend with my sisters and went right to running errands and, to keep things flowing along, even ended up...
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. Dylan backing up to the auger this morning. JD unloading this evening....
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. It’s all about wheat – going strong in every corner of this great state. No rain, hot harvest temperatures, tired crew…harvest is rollin!...
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. Slight delay with a bearing…...
Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc. It has been a whirlwind of a week! We got back to Martin late Tuesday morning (actually, almost noon) and went right back to cutting. It was...