Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.
Myron and I took a drive after mass this morning and the pictures explain what we and so many others are up against with finishing fall harvest.
The frost, created by the moisture/humidity and air temperature, actually creates the ice crystals which are moisture.
If it’s on the trees, it’s on everything.
Even though the pictures are beautiful, the reality is devastating.
In Myron’s visits with farmers and local businesses, there are upwards of 60,000 acres of soybeans, not to mention other crops (such as corn and even durum) still needing harvested in the northern part of the state. This is unprecedented and the impacts are going to be felt everywhere.
Try to listen beyond the breeze and the pickup running – you can hear the frozen corn.
The soybeans have visibly gone down with this last frost. We are thankful we finished ours.
We will attempt to try corn later today. Four days is all we are hoping for..and cold temperatures. That will bring us close to the end and home by the 9th!