Hello all!!
Shana Gregory here with 4G Harvesting, back at it for Harvest 2018!
We have been on wheat harvest for just a little over a month now, but because the kids and I are still in school, I haven’t had a chance to update you all. We started in South Texas and have now moved closer to home in Central Texas. We are hoping to start on our own wheat within the next few days/week before we pack up and head north for the journey!

As some of your know, I am a nurse, along with my HarvestHER duties, and finally found a solution to our crazy life…school nurse!! Man oh man did I have a great year!! I got the opportunity to be a school nurse for a neighboring school district. But even better than that, landed a school nurse job in Early (home), where our kids go, for next year! I am beyond excited to be on the same schedule as my kids. Our daughter will be a Senior and our son (grain cart driver) will be a Sophomore next year. I finished up the school year this week, but my kiddos have to go next week before we jump full-force into harvest. Of course, being so close to harvesting our own makes it much easier to be involved around school.
We have added a supervisor to our crew this year, our almost six-month-old Great Dane, Deuce. Deuce came into our lives in a healing time from losing our faithful companion and former 4G supervisor, Jax (Great Dane). It was in this process that I realized, I will ALWAYS be a Great Dane Mom! I just so happen to have one as an Angel and one by my side. Deuce has been on long trips hauling equipment and has checked out the wheat fields. As long as he is involved, he’s a happy boy!

We are looking forward to this year’s harvest, the memories we will make, and the places we adventure to!
We pray for a safe, plentiful, memorable harvest for each and every one of our harvest friends!
Much love to you all,
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