Kylee DeBock / DeBock Harvesting
Well that went fast!
The kids are just a week away from starting school. I just don’t know where the summer went!
We’ve had our struggles this year with weather and a few breakdowns but, for the most part, we are having a good season.
During one of our rain delays in Hardin, I got to spend the day with my God Daughters, Skyla and Brielle. We played Barbie’s, played outside and watched Beauty and the Beast. It was a fun afternoon.

Dillon “enjoyed” his Montana rain delay by going to North Dakota and cutting peas.
Well…trying anyway.
He only got half done before getting rained on. (Man, it just follows us around!) Colston rode along with Dillon to ND so he could start football practice. They’ve been practicing from 8-12 everyday to get ready for the first game on Aug 18th. He is staying with a friend in Powers Lake until we get back.

It has just been the four of us this season but we knew that wasn’t going to work in Montana. So, Dillon’s dad, Levi, and a friend, Braden, brought their trucks up to help us.
We also had a man from South Dakota come too, his name is Dennis. Since Colston left for football, we needed a combine driver too, so Dennis took that spot. We are so thankful for their help. We truly couldn’t have done the job without them!

We just wrapped up in Montana a few days ago and ended with a concert in Edgar with the headliner being our farmers daughter. We love listening to Landa sing. Go check out her band, Exit 53!

I am writing this post in the sleeper of the truck while heading back to Montana for more equipment.
Our first trip to North Dakota went well until the last 20 miles when a tire blew out on the camper. Which really is no big deal; put on the spare and head on down the road.

Except the blow out also took out one of the hydraulic hoses to the camper jacks! Luckily, we had enough oil to get the front jacks down to get it off my pick up and my slides out. Dillon will have to fix it properly later so we can get the rest of the jacks down to sturdy up the camper.

Usually this is our last stop of the harvest trail, but this year once we get our second load there we will be HOME!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10 NLT