Shana Gregory – 4G Harvesting & Trucking
Hello HarvestHER’s!!!
As I sit here in the laundromat, which seems to be the most “down time” I’ve had in a while, I reflect on this day. Today my harvester and I have been married for twenty years.

Twenty years ago, I had just graduated high school and Jeff was working on his family farm with his cousin and dad. He worked sun up to sun down seven days a week, but was home every night. We were young, in love, and had no clue where this life would take us……and boy has it taken us far, lol! If you would have told me twenty years ago that I would be chasing this boy from South Texas to Northern Montana every year on wheat harvest, I would have laughed.
It has been an adventure for sure! We have had our ups and downs, like any married couple does. But we always choose each other at the end of the day. I have never spit in his sandwich and only threatened it once. 😊
Even though this is kind of a big anniversary, this morning was our typical routine. I got up and started breakfast while Jeff and Hayden got ready to go to the field. I got an extra hug with a “Happy Anniversary” whisper to the ear, their lunches were packed, and away they went.
As I stated earlier, it’s laundry day for me. We sacrifice a lot being on harvest, but I’m so very grateful that I have such a hard-working husband to provide for us. Happy Anniversary, Jeff!