Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
Wow! It’s less than two weeks away from Christmas and we are wrapping up our time in North Dakota!
This spring, Dillon and I decided to keep the kids in school the entire fall semester in Powers Lake, North Dakota. We have been putting the kids in school here for the past four years and they love it!

We figured we would be done harvesting by mid to end of October, but we were still cutting at the end of November. Unfortunately, a few days before Thanksgiving, North Dakota received ten inches of snow and, this time of year, it just doesn’t melt off. So Mother Nature wins again! We left close to 2,000 acres of soybeans under the snow.
Since we were still up north, we didn’t drive home for Thanksgiving. We spent it with the Uffelman Family in Hardin, Montana. We met the Uffelman’s in 2013 when we started harvesting for them. We have become very close with this family and we’re thankful that they shared their home with us over the Thanksgiving holiday.
It was an amazing trip!
We enjoyed an amazing meal and lots of games on Thanksgiving Day. We even made gingerbread houses one evening! They boys LOVED that! The highlight was probably the snowmobile! Friday evening the snow started falling. On Saturday morning, there was 5-6 inches, which ended up being super fun. Brandon got out his snowmobile and pulled the kids around on a tube. They had so much fun and so did the adults!

Since it had snowed so much, we were forced into “early retirement” and decided to go ahead and load the equipment. Trevor and Eduardo had gone to Kansas for Thanksgiving, so Dillon and I loaded equipment and got everything ready to go. Trevor’s friend, Justin, rode back with them so we would have enough drivers to get our service truck and all three wide-loads home on the same trip. Luckily, everything went pretty smooth on the trip home! Praise the Lord!

The kids get out of school on December 20th, so Dillon decided to stay home for a week and get some things done there. He will head back up to North Dakota on the 16th to help us move out of the house. We will head home on the 21st!
Since harvest is over and Dillon was in Oklahoma, I took a job at the school working in the kindergarten class and I have sure enjoyed it! The kids are so precious at this age and funny, they just say exactly what they are thinking…no filter!!
I am not looking forward to packing or the drive home but I am getting excited about being back in Oklahoma and seeing our families over Christmas break. Since we will be getting home so close to Christmas, we are celebrating at my in-laws this year. We will enjoy some family time there with them and Dillon’s two brothers and their families. We can’t wait to meet baby Cooper. He was born on November 22nd. We will then head over to Branson, Missouri on the 28th to meet up with my family for a fun-filled four-day trip. We are all staying in a big house at Cedar Lodge and I am SO EXCITED to see everyone!!
It is bittersweet as our time in Powers Lake comes to a close for this year. I will miss everyone and look forward to August when we return. There is just something special about the town of Powers Lake and our family has fallen in love with this community! Thank you for always welcoming us back each year with open arms!
Merry CHRISTmas to everyone and a Happy New Year! Bring on 2020!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.””
Luke 2:11-12 NIV
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