Hey everyone!
Just a little bit about me.
I’m Amber Dietrick. I live in Hooker, Oklahoma. (As we all like to clarify- it is a location, not an occupation.) I’m a lover of the mountains (but only in the summer) and coffee. I’m going on six years of marriage with my sweet hubby, Nick. We have two boys. Gage, 3 (my wild one) and Easton, 1 (my sweet one.) I’m fairly new to this whole full time stay at home farm/ harvester’s wife gig. Like just quit my day job in September new.

I worked in Extension for 3.5 years prior to this last September. I LOVED it. I often told Nick the only way I would leave there was if I had the opportunity to stay home with the boys and be a more active participant with the farm.

Well, summer of 2018 Nick and our friend, Ethan, started cutting wheat together- they liked it so much they decided to make a go of it. They both had been on harvest prior to this little excursion and both always wanted to do it for the reals. By fall harvest we had the LLC (Panhandle Harvesting, LLC) and things were rolling. My first harvest as an actual active participant was quite the learning experience. I hope you’ll bear with me on this journey.
Outside of harvesting, our family also farms and has a custom application service. Nick and I have cows, and I have sheep. We stay busy, but it’s a good busy. We are so blessed to have to opportunity to make a living and provide for our family while also loving our “jobs.”
I’m so excited to share this journey with you all!