Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.
It has been a whirlwind of a week!
We got back to Martin late Tuesday morning (actually, almost noon) and went right back to cutting. It was one of those deals where when it rains on and off, the wheat simply changes and may feel wet but tests dry.

We were able to cut all day and, wouldn’t you know, ended up with a sprinkle in the early morning hours of Wednesday the 25th! This made it a good day to upgrade some sickle sections and service.
Come Thursday, we were able to finish the field we were on and sample a couple of loads on another but the moisture monitor simply kept running into the high teens.
I rode along with Myron as we were sampling…and enjoyed the fact that this was his deal, not mine. lol
Myron’s “deal”. 🙂
Friday morning meant a move to yet another field to see “where we’re at”.
Alas, not meant to be as it is at 19% moisture. The forecast says 60% chance of rain this afternoon. It is what it is!
I couldn’t resist while the guys were putting a filter on the header to snap a few pictures of nature’s smiles!
There is beauty in all things noxious, stalled or nature! You simply have to look beyond the present situation. Mother Nature, chili and apple pie were on my mind the rest of the day!
Headed to cut and got a couple of hours before the rain.
Typical harvest! Just wait a couple of hours and it might go!