Dana Petersen – L. Petersen Farms
HarvestHERs are queens of flexibility.
Today began as any other day…alarm…coffee…breakfast…lunch packing…crew heads for the field and our youngest and I make a plan for grocery shopping.

We are currently still in the middle of Nowhere, Montana and planning shopping lists and grocery shopping takes on a whole new meaning. When you are miles and miles from a (decent) grocery store, planning is essential. And then there comes the issue of storage…I mean, how much food can a camper/trailer house actually hold when feeding ten people three times a day? (Not as much as I’d like.) When we are close to town, I usually grocery shop every two to three days. Let’s just say the last grocery shopping I did was a week ago and things/supplies are getting very thin in the camper so Rhett and I MUST go find a (decent sized) grocery store today!

Did I mention that we need to be flexible in this way of life?  As we are getting ready…the Cell phone rings, “Dana do you want to go to the beach?”.
Wow…my husband was giving me the day off was my first thought? And where on earth would I find a beach around here?  But then I realize that it’s no beach but what he is asking me to do is go on a parts run to BEACH, ND and to go and come back as quickly as possible.  The combine is down and it will not run until I am back with the parts.  I quickly google Beach, and realize it’s a 90 mile “hike” one way…which means it will not be a grocery shopping kind of day after all but there’s always tomorrow…cause we are flexible like that!

So keep being flexible and don’t sweat the small stuff.  There’s always tomorrow!
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