Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
It’s been awhile since I have written a post so I thought I would sit down a minute and update you.
This winter went by extremely fast. Dillon and I were just talking a few days ago about how soon we would be back on the road. School has zipped by for the kids and with spring break just getting finished, they are on count-down for summer too!
Over the weekend of March 1, the kids were out of school on Friday so we planned a trip to my parent’s house. We hadn’t been home since Thanksgiving so we decided to enjoy the three-day weekend in Eastern Oklahoma.
We arrived in Vinita around 12:30 to meet up with Dillon’s Grandma Mary for lunch. We had a great visit and enjoyed some homemade chicken and noodles at Clanton’s Cafe. We then made our way to Heartworth House where my Granny Jo lives.

We found her in the dining hall enjoying some cake with other residents. We went over and sat on the couch in the main lobby and visited, while Granny enjoyed the cherry limeade we brought her from Sonic. We took some really great pictures with her and watched the birds play in the display by the couch. We walked Granny back to her room and told her we’d see her again on Sunday.
Saturday, we spent the whole day at my sister’s house playing with nieces and nephews and enjoying the day until it was time to go to my niece’s rodeo banquet. I was so excited to be able to attend because my oldest niece, Tori, had won a saddle!
The next morning, we attended my parent’s church and really enjoyed the service. After lunch, at a great new Italian place in Vinita, we went back out to see Granny.
She was in her room this time and we had another good visit and took some great pictures of all four of the great-grandkids. After our hug and as I began to walk out the door, Granny Jo said, “I love you, God Bless.” I will treasure those words as they would be the last words I would hear from her.

My mom called me on Monday morning and told me Granny had had a stoke. She passed away on March 9th. Granny’s funeral was on March 14th…my birthday! It was a very rough day for our family as Granny was our glue! She will be missed by everyone that knew her.
I want to say thank you to my fellow HarvestHERs as they sent me such an amazing gift. It was a beautiful mat frame for Granny Jo’s picture! I have it hanging on my wall in the kitchen. One of my Granny’s favorite places to be!

Dillon and I planned a snow skiing trip to Keystone, Colorado back in October with my high school friend, Kristen, and her family over spring break. After the funeral, we visited with family for a few hours and then had to get on the road as we weren’t scheduled to leave until Friday but we were now thirteen hours from our destination instead of nine (had we left from our house).

It was a sad start to spring break, but we all enjoyed the ski trip tremendously. The kids took one day of lessons and were skiing down the mountain by 4:00 that same day!! It was absolutely beautiful there and we had a great time with the other families. We made some amazing memories that will last a life time!

The kids started back to school on Monday and it’s back to the grind of laundry, dishes, bills and paperwork. However, I am enjoying my nephew, Cutter, for a few days! He is staying with us until Wednesday.

I would love to keep him longer but I will be packing up and heading to the HarvestHER retreat on Thursday. Last year I was packed and ready to leave the next morning when a huge wildfire came through NW Oklahoma wiping out thousands of acres. With the fire so close to our home, I just couldn’t leave so I had to miss it. I have been looking forward to this for over a year.
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”
Psalms 19:14 NLT