Kristy Misener / Braathen Harvesting & Misener Family Harvesters

A day in my life as a HarvestHER:
It’s 12:43 am. Past midnight and I’m just going to bed.
The guys got done cutting tonight and felt good about the day. This morning, at breakfast, they weren’t certain it would combine. The humidity was high and they’re working on spring wheat which is still green in parts of the fields, in spite of the drought.
But all went according to the daily plan: cut as much wheat as possible with no troubles after the morning chores at the field. Today it was no breakdowns , no troubles at the pit, no tire troubles- just cutting wheat! A productive day.
I cleaned up the dishes after breakfast then got right to making their field dinner. These men are so sweet!! They thank me for every meal. Tell me how good it was. And never complain even with a dinner in an insulated cooler every day. It’s hard to fix various foods and make them mobile and cold!
Today, they had pork chop sandwiches, cottage cheese with cherry tomatoes and Townhouse crackers, carrot sticks, cucumbers, cream cheese/bacon stuffed miniature sweet peppers, chips and ginger snap cookies. Then I delivered them to the field.
Before I got back to the camper, I drove to the post office here in town to mail a letter to one of my grand children. I got back to the camper, finally!
Clean dishes needed to be put away so I’d be able to work in the kitchen. I was hungry by this time, so I grabbed a bottle of water and some cottage cheese.
Next it was time to clean the air conditioning filter by washing it in the sink. While it was drying, I got out the Spick & Span spray cleaner and scrubbed the ceiling and AC vents. Next was gathering trash and sweeping the floor.
Then it was time to begin supper!
I got all the prep work done on the meatball sandwiches I was making for supper. I chopped up all the makings for a tossed salad, got the marinara sauce in a pan, and made my whipped cream for the chocolate chocolate chip & cherries dessert.
I sat down!! And had a nice phone visit with my sweet sister.
Dan called saying they’d be back early tonight, probably between 9 and 9:30. Of course, that was only the plan!! Haha! It was almost 10:30 when they got here-completely covered in dirt and chaff from blowing off the machinery.
The men and my 12 year old grandson, Leslie, took showers, ate supper and then I could do up the dishes. And get the morning coffee pot ready to turn on.
Dan suggested doing the dishes in the morning but I’d rather clean up tonight instead of having that mess in the morning to work around while preparing breakfast.
I know it’s not very glamorous, but this suits me—although I’d like a bit (or a lot) more sleep!! Six am comes early for me.
Better hit my pillow! Good night all!