Now that 2022 is officially here, it’s time to begin thinking about harvest…right?
Yes…however, before that happens, the HarvestHER retreat has to happen. And I have the specifics for you. The agenda is coming together nicely but it’s still a little on the tentative side. (just a little)
The FIFTH annual HarvestHER Wellness Retreat will be held March 3-6, 2022.
The theme for this year’s retreat is 1 John 4:18 – “perfect love drives out fear”.
The retreat won’t be held in a house, as in the past. I found this lovely setting just outside of Ashland – Camp Joy Holling. We’ll be staying in the Swanson Retreat Center.

The Swanson Retreat Center is set up like a hotel for overnight stays but the facility itself is very welcoming and I feel will suit our group rather nicely! I’m hoping for good weather so we can take advantage of the forest setting and walking trails. If not, we’ll be nice and cozy inside the building with a room that provides a fireplace. I honestly believe it will be a nice change for us.
Here’s what the tentative agenda looks like:
I’ll go through some of the highlights and provide you with links to check a few things out.
On Friday noon, we’ll once again take a trip to CLAAS of North America headquarters for a speaker and lunch (provided by CLAAS). Our speaker this year will be local author and speaker, Jennifer Slattery.

I’m not sure, yet, if they will be able to give us a tour of the CLAAS production line this year or not (due to COVID restrictions).
After CLAAS, we’ll head to the quaint little town of Ashland for some shopping. We’ll call the Glacial Til Cider House and Tasting Room our headquarters for a couple of hours. You can sit and sip and relax or see what fun items you can take home with you from the fun shops.

The evening will end with a class about “Slow Stitching” and fellowship. I know about embroidery so I’m curious to see how our instructor will explain how this is something different than that. Maybe it’s just the new title for embroidering?
Saturday morning will be free time. Again, I’m hoping for good weather so we can take advantage of our outdoor setting!
Lunch will be an outing to either the brand new Fariner Bakery (in Ashland) or The View at Mahoney. This will depend on the number of retreat attendees. Regardless, either one will be lovely!
After lunch, we’ll walk over to a building on site (Camp Joy Holling) for the Team Building Adventure.
Saturday evening will end with a presentation by author and speaker, Lauren Eberspacher (also known on Facebook as From Blacktop to Dirt Road. She will be spending the night with us and also present on Sunday morning.

Our time together always goes WAY TOO FAST! Even typing all of the details out makes me excited about seeing everyone but dreading the goodbyes!
Cost for all of this is $150 (includes all meals)!! The link to register for the 2022 retreat can be found by clicking here. You can pay via the PayPal account or send a check to PO Box 126, Manley, NE 68403.
Retreat is limited to 24. Deadline for registering will be February 15.
Cancellations received 30 days prior to the event will be refunded 100%. Cancellations received two weeks prior to the event will be refunded 50% of the registration. Cancellations received less than two weeks prior to the event will forfeit entire registration.
None of this could be possible without the generous support of our sponsors!!!!!! These businesses want to bless you as much as I do. If they didn’t, this event would never have become a reality; it would have stayed in my heart as a dream. A dream to bless you beyond belief! My most heartfelt thanks goes to:
GOLD SPONSOR – New Holland Ag
SILVER SPONSOR – CLAAS of North America, INSPRO Insurance, MacDon Industries, Pipe Ag and Thunder Creek Equipment
BRONZE SPONSOR – Braathen Harvesting, Calmer Corn Heads, CleanFix Fans, Custom Harvest Insurance and Honey Bee Mfg.
“OTHER” SPONSOR – Warner Plastics