Emma Misener Schneider / Misener Family Harvesters

This years’ HarvestHER retreat was something I never knew I needed.
As an avid retreat attendee since the beginning, I knew it was magical, relaxing and something I need every year.

I am continually surprised to find that joy I never knew I was missing; I never knew I missed. To simply have someone who knows EXACTLY how and why you choose to live your life in the Ag industry and take your family right along with, is an amazing thing. Someone who knows how important, how hard, and how rewarding this lifestyle is, is such a blessing.

So many ladies came to ‘lift each-other up’ in support, in prayer, in fellowship… seems to be lost in this busy place we call earth these days. Where the Lord guides, he provides.

Thank you to all of the sponsors who made this beautiful time with my friends possible. It has given me new energy to continue on in hope and endurance for this new season!
A special thank you to Tracy as well; for without her mastermind, that determined self she is, and the courage she has to follow that nudge from God, this would never have been possible.

I truly am grateful and look forward with a joyful heart, to the next time we get to meet.