Kylee DeBock – DeBock Harvesting
Busy! Busy! Busy!
The holiday season is upon us and it is the busiest time of the year for most. 🦃
Over Thanksgiving, we drove to eastern Oklahoma to spend the holiday with my family. We were there Wednesday through Sunday. It was great to see everyone and have time to get in a good, long visit!
We came home, unpacked and repacked to leave for Vegas on Wednesday to head to the NFR. 🐴
🐮 We met up with some friends of ours from Montana and we had a very fun, filled four days. We returned to reality on Sunday and as I got up for work Monday morning, I was doing pretty good. But, now it’s Thursday and I am starting to drag a bit!
I send out Christmas letters each year and though I have it written, I am yet to have time to get all the envelopes stuffed, addressed and stamped!
Now that I have a full-time job my “spare” time is now nonexistent. So, trying to keep up with the kids, household chores and my secretary duties for our own business it gets extremely hard! Hats off to all those that have it figured out!!
Merry CHRISTmas to all!
God Bless,
Kylee DeBock
“But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 NLT