Nancy Eberts – Eberts Harvesting Inc.
Today I babysat Maci and as we made apple pies and stew for the crew here at home, I couldn’t help but remember back to the day (of bag phones or no cell phones) when Myron would be in Nebraska for fall harvest and I was at home because the kids were in school.
Myron did miss some games and events, as our jobs kept him on the road. His Prayers and phone calls meant a lot. Many a quiet night until the harvest was over but I wouldn’t change a thing. It was tough, but it is what we do and we continue to do and love it.
35 years strong!
As I look back today, I realize it made everyone tough! Our family rocks! Words carry as much weight as actions.
God bless all the moms and kids who are at home while dad or grampa and gramma and crews hit the road for harvest!
Harvesters and HarvestHERs are unique. Stay strong and keep the faith. Send a note, a video, a snapchat or even a hand written note to say I Love You!
Today, we videoed little moments and sent them to Papa and he sent some back! Video and FaceTime are a gift our kids didn’t have!
The #HarvestHER’s Journal – 08/25/16
Nancy Eberts of Eberts Harvesting Inc.
South Heart, North Dakota
Today I babysat Maci and as we made apple pies and stew for the crew here at home, I couldn’t help but remember back to the day (of bag phones or no cell phones) when Myron would be in Nebraska for fall harvest and I was at home because the kids were in school.
Myron did miss some games and events, as our jobs kept him on the road. His Prayers and phone calls meant a lot. Many a quiet night until the harvest was over but I wouldn’t change a thing. It was tough, but it is what we do and we continue to do and love it.
35 years strong!
As I look back today, I realize it made everyone tough! Our family rocks! Words carry as much weight as actions.
God bless all the moms and kids who are at home while dad or grampa and gramma and crews hit the road for harvest!
Harvesters and HarvestHERs are unique. Stay strong and keep the faith. Send a note, a video, a snapchat or even a hand written note to say I Love You!
Today, we videoed little moments and sent them to Papa and he sent some back! Video and FaceTime are a gift our kids didn’t have!
#NorthDakota #harvest16 #faithfamilyfriends #agchat #sacrificesmade #lovethiscrazylife #thestruggleisreal
Posted by HarvestHer on Friday, August 26, 2016