Valerie Brack – Brack Farms & Harvesting
We had a good day of cutting today. Just sitting back and watching everything flow together so nicely never gets old!!
We had one guy go back home late last night for a doctors appointment today. He took Addi back and dropped her off so she could continue her PT, tutoring, and 4H project chores. I am hoping that she can come back and join us this weekend for a few days!!
So, that left me to help drive a combine after I got an early lunch delivered to the field. Thank goodness for four-wheel drive, standing wheat and the patience of all the guys! While I drove a combine and since it is so muddy, that left Blake with Matt in his combine for the day.
I had a pretty great view today! Fun cutting good wheat despite the mud!
I think our grain cart driver got a kick out of watching the show every time he unloaded Matt. Blake tends to be a bit on the busy side!!!! Lots of bonding time for Blake and daddy today.
When I got relieved of my duties, I climbed in with Matt to find this.
😂 lunch bag turned backpack. Matt had a hard time convincing Blake to let him have any of his lunch and snacks. Blake on the other hand was happy as can be!
Our guys finished up a little earlier than usual tonight. It was too dark to move fields, as our next field is a little further away. So, all the equipment got serviced and fueled up tonight in anticipation for an early start in the morning.