We take on many hats when we are out on harvest. Combine driver, truck driver, grain cart operator, mechanic, cook and the list goes on.
Let me tell you these last 2 days I have done it all! Friday started out slow, I got to stay home in the morning and work on some shirt orders. Then got the call they needed help moving soon, so I whipped up some tacos and headed out with lunch. Get out to the field, help move, feed the crew and jump in the combine. Ran combine for a few hours then helped get everything moved to the next field. I even had to move the tandem, which I have never done before! I drive our semi all the time, but have never braved the tandem and pup trailer. But we both survived.
Our daughter had a softball game so I had to come into town and get ready for that. (They won!) It was around midnight when Anthony and Keagan got home for the night.
Come Saturday, it was a little more stressful. We moved to our farthest field. What could possibly go wrong when you are farthest away from the parts store? Oh, just a bearing going out on the John Deere’s header. So I rush to Keating’s in Liberal, KS to get parts. Luckily they had pretty much everything I needed and I was headed back. Get back to the field, help Anthony and Howard put it together and we are good to go.
Howard and Austin were running combines and Keagan in the grain cart so I just jumped in the semi with Anthony for the rest of the day.
Anthony, Keagan and I jump in the combine to finish filling up the grain cart for the night. Everything is going good until Anthony clogs up the header…. Twice! It was fun getting to pick on him while digging wheat out of the header. It happens to the best of them. We decided it was a little too wet to cut, so we stopped for the night and headed home.
Happy Father’s Day to all the great fathers out there from Adams Harvesting!